Counsel portfolios


Effective October 1, 2024, Counsel Portfolio Services Inc. and Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. have amalgamated to form Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. (CLIML). CLIML will now act as the fund manager, portfolio manager, trustee, and promoter for all Counsel and IPC funds. 

Updating websites, materials, and forms to reflect this change will take some time. Until then, any references to Counsel Portfolio Services Inc. should be understood as referring to Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. 



No fuss. No Stress.

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Cost-effective ETFs

Active oversight

Invests in key markets


Concentrate on a few good things.

An efficient mix of large-cap equities and fixed income assets to help you reach your goals 

Active stock and bond selection

Growth-focused equity managers

Simple, streamlined portfolios


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Income Portfolios with a range of options to satisfy your specific needs.

Yield from multiple sources

Dependable monthly income

Asset management expertise


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Concentrated, high conviction strategies and a transparent and understandable approach at a lower cost.

Concentrated high conviction strategies

Greater visibility and clarity

Tiered household management costs


Simple and globally diversified portfolios are just a click away

Which path will you take?

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